And just like that I’ve skipped almost all of 2024 and a major chunk of the tail end of 2023.
So what happened?
Truth be known I just got lazy 🙁
Let’s make up for it in 2025 and I’ll in time backdate history.
In my mind the first camp of 2025 was going to be an adventure covering two states and a whole lot of places I’d never been. The unfortunate reality being I ended up covering old ground. On 31st December 2024 at around 11:15pm my son and I decided we’d have an ad-hoc sparring session that ended with me inheriting some extremely sore ribs that are still hurting as I type this. Being barely able to get out of bed due to the pain my dreams of adventure were very quickly shattered.
I kind of feel this was a blessing in disguise as I’d just purchased a roof top tent and while doing some pre-trip checks I discovered the T bolts holding the tent to the Hilux tray had bent like a banana. This was a recipe for disaster and an open invitation to fame and lack of fortune with a potential cameo appearance on dashcams Australia.

Luckily for me I had enough spare channel nuts to get me out of the predicament and the ability to securely mount the tent.

With the newly shortened trip back on track, I took of fashionably late on Thursday 9th January with the first stop being Mountain High Pies at Wentworth Falls. The big brekkie pie and warm custard tart was just what the doctor ordered.

Post fuel up at Lithgow I drove to the Turon National Park just out of Capertee, I hadn’t physically been to the Diggings Campground and thought this the perfect opportunity to check it out.
The Diggings is quite a large campground and is definitely on the list to do in the future, though on this trip my first night destination was Sofala via the Upper Turon Rd, and as time was slipping I didn’t get a chance to explore as much as I wanted to.
As I approached the Sofala township I thought I’d stop by the Royal Hotel and grab a schooner of some golden ale, after a ten minute wait with five people still in the queue ahead of me I cancelled that thought and headed to the campground which surprisingly for a Thursday night was quite full. I managed to get a spot amongst the she-oaks and promptly got myself ready for the night.

After a cold beer and a sandwich I sat by the fire and retired for the night.

First night in the roof top tent was a success and I am glad I took the plunge, set up and pack down is so much faster and in time I’ll have it more downpat. Being well up above the ground is a different experience and I’m not sure whether it was that heightened sense of solo camping or actual nature of hearing so much more being so high. Once I’ve got a few more camps under the belt I’ll have a much better feel for this.

The drive from Sofala to Hill End was the most relaxed I’ve been in a long time, the norm sadly has been to rush there and set up camp at all cost, this time around I took in some scenery and stocked up on some firewood prior.

Once all done and dusted, it was time to crack a beer, relax and enjoy the wonderful day.

The plan was to meet Brad at Hill End, have a feed at the Royal Hotel and enjoy the evening by the camp fire. Brad rocked up shortly after 5pm and quickly set up; a sight for sore eyes – two roof top tents!

After a comfy second nights sleep in the loft I woke early in need of bladder relief (the joys of getting old) and observed some rain clouds in the distance, not wanting to pack a wet camp we both completed a very quick set down and were on our way to Mudgee for a stop at the cake-o 🙂

And that was camp #1 for 2025!
It was a great weekend but unfortunately too short, as most camps are. I am glad the weather bureau was wrong about the forecast storms too, allowing the roofies to be stowed dry.